

| Ecriture en cours

                                                               the widow and the hen
             this is village.A window lives in this village.She lives in a hut with her daughter.

They keep a hen.The hen lays an egg every morning.

      The window collects these eggs for sale. She sells them in the market.

      the window tries ti find the way to get more eggs.One day,she discusses with her daughter about this matter.

     <we can not afford to buy some more hens because we are

very poor.

     She says.

(mother! if we double our hen's allowance of barley, she will lay twice a day says a day,)

says her daughter.

          So , they try their plan. The hen becomes fat.

      However , she still lays one egg every morning . The window

and her daughter keep going on their plan.

   Now , the hen becomes very fat. She can hardly walk.

    A she leaves of laying att all.The window and her daughter

are every sad.

Now they have no more egg. (figures are not always facts )

  good boy

            i love you zineb so mush